Thursday, 27 August 2009

Best Friends.

I had a conversation with my mother recently, in which she told me she was worried about how me and my best friend seem to latch onto each other, and have no time for anyone else in the world.

This isn't true, I'm not some loner with only one friend, but me and my best friend definitely are closer than any other people I've met, we see each other pretty much every single day, and don't tend to go out without each other, I always go on holiday with her, and in general we pretty much come as a pair.

I see this as a positive aspect in my life, pretty much the most positive, but a lot of other people think it's stupid, because they think that neither of us can now do anything by ourselves, and that we have come completely reliant on the other one.

You know what? I genuinely don't care if I am. When I broke up with my last boyfriend, I was crying more than I've ever cried before, I rang her up in the middle of the night and she answered on the first ring and immediatly knew what had happened, we talked about it and within half an hour I was laughing again.
It wasn't through any kind of denial, I just realised that it didn't matter, I don't need anyone as long as I have her friendship.

"A certain source once said we are too dependant on each other, that source is probably correct."

You are too cool my friend =]

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

The morning after.

Ugh, you know that feeling the morning after a really good party, the one where you feel either super-cold or too hot, your ears are still ringing from the constant pounding bass that feels like it's stuck in your head forever, and you only have to glance down at your legs to see the effects of being reckless and crazy last night, you have more bruises, scratches and mud on your knees than a pack of six year olds in a playground.
Well that's exactly how I feel right now.
Last night was Aldeburgh carnival, now, I know what you're thinking, aren't carnivals for the elderly and kids who like toffee apples? Not anymore my friend, last night was one of the best beach parties I've ever been to, the only thing awkward about it was the fact that a lot of people seemed to know me, and I had no idea who they were. It was a lot of repeat situations of,
"Abi! Goh I haven't seen you in forever! How are you?!"
"Ohh...hey! You! Of course, the last time I saw you I was you know..doing..that thing!"

Maybe perhaps not that bad, but you get my drift anyhow.

However, after the extreme socialising I got up to last night, unfortunately I'm having to suffer today, and that means sitting around sams house, it's quieter than home, with almost a constant cup of tea in my hand, wearing my sunglasses around the house because I'm so tired and my eyes look so gross.

So all-in-all, it's rather an un-eventful day, unless I go out tonight and do it all again, I love summer.